How much do you know about (fighting) climate change and renewable energy?

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“Renewables generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind. With record construction of solar and wind in 2023, a new era of falling fossil generation is imminent.”

  • Mainstreaming effective and equitable climate action now will reduce losses and damages

  • Multiple, feasible and effective options are available to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to climate change

  • Climate action provides co-benefits for nature and people.

  • Pace and scale of climate action are insufficient to tackle climate change

  • Adverse impacts from human-caused change will intensify

  • Extremes become more widespread and pronounced with every increment of warming

  • The path forward is clear:

  • Tried and tested options available now

  • These need to be designed for diverse contexts and applied widely

  • Increase financing for climate action (3-6 times the current climate investment)

The warning

The challenge

The hope

10 big questions on climate change:

Source: Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 3./4. September 2022, p.32-33.

Green Hydrogen

Watch the interview with Michael Liebreich, Keynote Speaker on the World Hydrogen Congress 2022

6th IPCC report (March 2022): Climate change has pervasive impacts to ecosystems, people, settlements and infrastructure.

  • Human-induced climate change, including more frequent and intense extreme events, has caused widespread adverse impacts and related losses and damages to nature and people, beyond natural climate variability.

  • Across sectors and regions the most vulnerable people and systems are observed to be disproportionately affected.

  • The rise in weather and climate extremes has led to some irreversible impacts as natural and human systems are pushed beyond their ability to adapt.

Sources: IPCC Summary for Policymakers, March 2022.

Why this website?

If you are interested in better understanding climate change and finding out how renewable energy can help fighting it - in an objective, fact-based and at the same time fun way…then this website is for you.

Having worked for over a decade within the renewable energy industry, I learned that it is imperative to pass on & exchange knowledge, experience and ideas.

Fighting climate change starts with knowledge!

Torres del Paine - renewables

Are you interested in learning more?

Useful input regarding climate change and renewable energy is waiting for you.

Geysir Atacama desert

You still want to know more?

There are e-books on different topics (e.g. Floating Photovoltaics, PPA) available for download.